• First team project created at RIT, and first C++ project in DirectX
  • Pacman-esque game where you spelt names, and had to avoid “bad” ghosts
Epic Soul Dash: Dynamic Lighting
if( distance( pointPos, lightPos ) < vLightRad )
mod = 1 - (distance( pointPos, lightPos ) / vLightRad); 
returnColor = baseTexture.Sample( samLinear, psInput.Tex ) * psInput.Col;

returnColor.r = returnColor.r * mod;
returnColor.g = returnColor.g * mod;
returnColor.b = returnColor.b * mod;

for( float i = 0; i < 1; i += 0.01f )
samplePosition = lerp(lightPos, pointPos, i );
sampleColor = lightTexture.Sample( samLinear, float2( samplePosition.x / 800.0, samplePosition.y / 600.0 ) );
/if the color is anything but black
if( sampleColor.r > 0.0f )
set = 0;
	isHit = true;

if( isHit == true && sampleColor.r == 0.0f )

if( set >= 20 || ( set != 0 && i >= 0.99 ) )
float temp = returnColor.a;
returnColor = returnColor * 0.5;
	returnColor.a = temp;
Epic Soul Dash: Demo